Remote Support
We can remotly support your computers for you, this page holds the downloads required for us to support youPC
Quick Support (20Mb)
Full Support (30Mb)
Quick Support
Full Support
Download from the Google Play Store.
iPhone or iPad
Download from the App Store.
if you have any issues downloading please try the following link:
'Save' and/or 'Run' this file when the file has downloaded
It may ask for permission to run the program, click 'Yes' or 'Allow' to continue
It may then notify you that the program needs to make changes to the computer to run, again click 'Yes' or 'Allow'
It will then pop-up a window and you will see an ID and Password, these you need to give to the support engineer,
they will use it to connect and control your computer.
When finished the engineer will disconnect and the program will close, this then ends the ability to connect to your,
computer, and to connect again you would need to download and run the program again, and supply the ID and Password.
Any support charges/rates will be told to you once connection has been successful by the engineer, your details will be,
taken for the purpose of billing, if you already have an account with us your rates can be found in the account, but can
also be supplied on request.